Thursday, September 27, 2007


There are billions of people and each person has thousands of stories.
I doubt you remember thousands but you still have them. They're probably not that interesting;

"I sat down with a book and realized I was craving toast with cinnamon so I got back up and made it. It was delicious."
The End

here's a random story from my life:

I had a rabbit named Snowball when I was young and our neighbor boy killed it. He stabbed it with a knife and tore it apart and then threw it in a ditch. I cried and cried. It was the first loss I had. Nobody believed he did it except me. Everyone said it was the huge police dog that lived next door, but I know he did it. He once set fire to a field and the fire trucks had to come put it out. The whole field was blazing.
He was only a year older than me.
The End.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

sometimes there are too many things to think about but they aren't really word thoughts so it's imposible to write them down even though i want to. like right now.

what an utterly useless post.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

i must be an old-un

I work at a daycare. Today I worked with the 7 year olds and while we were coloring i said "guys, i didn't even have a TV until i was 6." they gasped and someone said, "why? because you lived in the past?"

i'm 18...