Friday, February 12, 2010

BIRTHDAY = 21 (not 20 anymore. no no.) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this collage is the documentation of my birthday yesterday, taken with my cell phone (because i don't have a normal point-and-shoot camera, just my huge nikons). by the way, i apologize for the second picture, this is when i was going to bed at 1:30am on the 12th. first ugly picture as a 21 year old. i need to mature.
birthday collage

my day began at 3:30 when i got this txt from my good friend heather hall: "you have a half hour before i kidnap you! dress warmly. very warmly. (& respond if you get this message... either way you're going to be napped." thus began my morning: kiwannis park w/hot chocolate on the Ring of Joy, talking, Iron Man at her apartment, coloring, and delicious breakfast:

later, my love janey took me to Zuppas for lunch, which we took up to a little overlook on the mountain (looking over the valley). we talked, then she gave me an awesome present: my favorite picture of Christ, EVER. she knows how much i love it, how i've wanted it soo bad! ahhh! i was so excited/happy about it. it's hard to express how much that means to me:

all my loves. we went to sub zero for ice cream and then they blindfolded me and then took me to one of our apartments for a party. it was SO fun. it was a perfect birthday. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

i was a bit overwhelmed by this point because i felt so loved. SO LOVED. i can't imagine better best friends than those God blessed me with. i can't say what i wished for when i blew these candles out, but honestly in that moment i had no idea what to wish for, i have absolutely everything i could ever need or want.

of course there was an addition to the quote board, how could there NOT be on a night like this?!

my love, ashley.

other loves, brittney, amie, kirsten:

i just liked kirsten's face:

my friend alyssa came to party for a while too!!!!!! AHHH:D

also a bonus, 55 loves on my wall: