Wednesday, June 16, 2010

COOL - buy these

i was at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago and saw the most genius thing ever! biodegradable garbage bags. WOOT! i wouldn't say i'm particularly a tree hugger, but when it's so easy to do my part, why not, eh? this is an awesome way to take care of the earth.. i mean, when it's as simple as just switching the kind of garbage bags you use, why NOT? they're really sturdy and cost barely more than glad bags. plus there are cute pictures on the side, making them more fun to use. so here's to being somewhat environmentally responsible:
p.s. i like this picture because if you look to the right you can see a little colored thing. it's a paper airplane that janey decorated and stuck in the blinds, i don't know why. paper airplane competitions have become quite popular activities. we've done it in fhe twice this year. i always lose.

this has been a good week because:


Monday, June 14, 2010

this one's for stacey

the moon was beautiful tonight. i couldn't capture it the way i wanted to in the time i had but i like it anyway. this picture is thanks to my friend stacey who told me the moon was pretty tonight which got me outside to see.


this weekend we drove to a beautiful place in draper. a cloud came down over the mountain. it was so cool. i've decided i want to be on every beautiful mountain possible. i want to collect pictures.
a couple of portraits:


on a side note, i'm eating several bowls of cheerios with sugar tonight for a midnight snack. delicious.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

today was a good day

i have a new keychain:

my last one had rosie the riveter on it. we can do it. i accidentally smashed it when i closed the front door on my keys.

the bear is from a gift shop in salt lake, it was in a conference center or something. cool.

i've been going to the gym again, 3rd day in a row! go me. i have a schedule. these next 2 months are pretty flexible and open so i'm taking advantage of the opportunity to go as often as possible. it feels really good. i can't wait for the pool to open (it's JUNE and still closed. boo. any day now....).

- watched "sisterhood of the traveling pants 2"
- started editing a wedding shoot
- pilates!
- ate good food (i'm starting to cook again! go me!)
- saw efy kids traipsing around campus.. wanted to cry of happiness for them, and sadness for me. i'm devastated that i wasn't hired this year. oh well, there's always next summer!
- and the highlight: talked to one of my best guy friends from high school, JAY bird!!!! oh how i've missed him. he spent the past 2 years serving a mission for the LDS church in RUSSIA. amazing. talked for 1.5 hours, for the first time since he left. can't wait for him to come back. also, my other amazing friend andrew will be here as well, he spent the past 2 years in samoa for the same reason. miss miss miss. my brother is also serving a mission, in colorado. i miss him SO SO much. he has a year left.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

last weekend

quoting hitch, "life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away."
i've been having a lot of really awesome moments lately.