Monday, November 2, 2009


i went to walmart and saw this SUV:

only at walmart.

beginning to blog again + taco bell = 5am

the plan was to go to sleep at 10.
i lost my keys, successfully locking myself out of my apartment.
found keys.
went to sleep at 11 instead, but
woke up at 1:30
still can't sleep. it's 5 freaking o-clock in the morning.
i decided to waste time online.
i just realized i could have spent the past 3.5 hours actually doing something productive, like writing an essay for a test i have on wednesday but of course i didn't even think about it. at this point i'd rather smash my teeth with a hammer.

i have decided to start blogging again. i have my photo blog and now am updating my personal blog!

since i'm up, i'll tell you a pointless story. it's called "The Drive Home From Taco Bell."

"The Drive Home From Taco Bell"
i went to Taco Bell last week and ordered a crunchy taco. the anticipation was too great- i started eating it in the car. eating in the car should be illegal. not because it turns me into a hazard but because it turns me into a public disgrace. it usually takes me longer to clean myself up afterward than to eat the darn thing in the first place. anyway, as i was driving and eating, a bit of shell went down my throat before i could chew it because a girl cut me off and therefore distracted me. i was so annoyed that i tried to yell at her inside my car, and then i realized that i could not do that because i had taco shell logged in my esophagus. oh the agony!!! not only was i mad, but i had a knife working it's way towards my stomach. when i finally got home, people walked in front of the entrance to my parking lot and were there just long enough for me to miss the light. by the time i parked, the taco shell bit had finally worked it's way to my digestive system leaving the inside of my throat gashed and bleeding i'm sure.

The End.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


yesterday i went to a women's soccer game: BYU (go cougs!) vs. WYOMING. It was glorious!!! i have two soccer guru cousins, auna and shalayne. auna plays for BYU, shalayne plays for wyoming. yesterday, halloween, was a face off between the teams. BYU won 2-0. it was so much fun because a ton of family (everyone who could make it) came to the game. there were probably more than 30 janis fans. we yelled SO loud and cheered so much!!! so much support. it was AWESOME!!! i love my family:) anyway i was sitting next to my cousin daniel and we were trying to come up with a cheer that was supportive of both but without taking sides. we finally decided that when something good happened we would yell "yeeeeeeoooooo" and if something bad happened we would yell "neeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh" (combinations of "yes" and "no") because no matter what happened it was both good and bad- it's tough work supporting both teams;) so that is the description of what is happening in this picture. by the way, this was taken with my cell phone. thus the pixelation and poor quality.
