Thursday, September 27, 2007


There are billions of people and each person has thousands of stories.
I doubt you remember thousands but you still have them. They're probably not that interesting;

"I sat down with a book and realized I was craving toast with cinnamon so I got back up and made it. It was delicious."
The End

here's a random story from my life:

I had a rabbit named Snowball when I was young and our neighbor boy killed it. He stabbed it with a knife and tore it apart and then threw it in a ditch. I cried and cried. It was the first loss I had. Nobody believed he did it except me. Everyone said it was the huge police dog that lived next door, but I know he did it. He once set fire to a field and the fire trucks had to come put it out. The whole field was blazing.
He was only a year older than me.
The End.