Monday, November 29, 2010

life is good..

i spend the majority of my time on my computer. the 2010 wedding season is officially over for me. i've finally caught up on editing and now i'm booking weddings for 2011. i spent today working on a new management/data program for my business, which will help me manage my clients' information keeping me organized, professional, and capable of booking more weddings! i have a lot of goals for 2011, personal and professional, and i'm excited to see what i can make happen in the next year! honestly i am very relieved 2010 is coming to an end. it has been one heck of a time, living through 2010!

since i spend so much time looking at my computer screen, i thought i would document the view my computer has the majority of the time:
Photo 657

although now that it's consistently cold, it usually sees this:
Photo 658
my cozy sweatshirts keep my nose warm.

which reminds me of this blessing: i get to work in my sweats (besides shoots of course). i also get to work on the couch, laying down like a couch potato with my laptop on my stomach. besides the ruining my back/neck with the posture issues that result, i have an awesome life.

UPDATE: i have a feeling i'm not going to get much sleep tonight. i hope i'm wrong. it's only 12:44am.. there's still hope.

UPDATE: also, i just remembered that originally the point of posting today was totally different than what i posted. i was planning on making a list of all of the reasons why my life is good right now, maybe in the spirit of thanksgiving or maybe because i just had a really really good morning. i went to institute, i LOVE the teacher. he's been an angel in my life, i told him so today, and left the building skipping and very happy. in the midst of my jubilee, i slipped on ice and almost fell. what a metaphor for life, eh? oh dear, i'm letting my pessimism leak onto my blog. shhh, heather!

anyways, here's my list of why i've been generally happier lately:
- i've been gearing up for a wonderful and intense charge into photographic oblivion, beginning in approximately 1.5 weeks.
- holidays.
- i'm not in school, therefore avoiding a walk through slush, mud, and snow every day.
- the festivities of the past week threw off my normal schedule of sleep deprivation and TV/internet overindulgence, which has significantly improved my emotional well being.
- i've had a few, very small yet significant personal triumphs after a long drought from accomplishment including but not limited to: telling someone my honest opinion about something i'd normally lie about (with good intentions), consuming only 1 dr. pepper in an entire week, weirdly having the desire to run one day (actually running is forthcoming, but having the desire was a feat in itself), and remembering a birthday.
- my mom called and we talked for 2 hours. it's nice having a personal cheerleader.

as i was going about my day, i randomly tried to think about words i would use to describe myself. i only really thought about one: earnest.

i just became conscious of my eyes hurting, i think they've been hurting for a while. i took my glasses off an hour ago and forgot to put them on again, but i'm doing so now. they are cold and feel nice on the bridge of my nose where they will sit without peace because i will disturb them every quarter of a minute or so by adjusting their position. i think i have a glasses-on-nose version of restless leg syndrome.

now i'm rambling. i have had so many different moods today. right now i'm settled into one of "those" moods.. the kind that produce an extra-long montage of thoughts in a blog post that is lacking continuity.

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