Sunday, November 28, 2010


today baby charlie was blessed down in provo, and all the family got together for it. after church we drove to mapleton for a delicious dinner and more visiting. it's so heartwarming to spend an evening eating good food with great people. i love my family.

i'm obsessed with rain. here's an image of the car window on the ride down to provo:
and since my camera was out, i turned it on sophia who rejected me: "no more pictures!"
so i had to use reverse psychology on her to get a cute smile ("sophia, whatever you do, DON'T look at me, and DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT give me your cutest smile!") which worked like a charm for approximately 5 seconds. i kept her going that long by saying "hey! why are you doing what i just said not to do? sophia!! stop looking at me! stop smiling!" and of course she flashed the most amazing smiles ever and i wanted to eat her. speaking of eating her, we've spent a significant amount of time watching Dora the Explorer together and a character, backpack, always says "nom nom nom delicioso!" when things are put inside. i love grabbing sophia and saying that while pretending to eat her up. she smiles (the smile in the photos below) and says "hey! i'm not dinner!" AHHHH she's so cute.
don't you love the look of joy, pleasure, excitement, and glee? yep. apparently she gets a thrill out of doing the exact opposite of what she thinks people want. oh geez:)
a quick pic from tonight at dinner, my cousin eli with his dad:)
and i finally got a couple of images of my grandparents! when it's warm i'm going to make them do a session with me, but i was happy that we got a few good portraits!!! i love how protective and content my grandpa looks with my grandma under the security of his strong arm:
my grandma is so beautiful. it's my goal to look like her in my 70's. i'll be doing just fine if i can accomplish that:)
i have so much respect for my grandparents. they are kind, wise, christ-like people who love the Lord, and serve their family endlessly. their advice is so relevant and priceless, and has never steered me wrong. i consider them role models, amazing grandparents, and friends. their influence and love in my life is a blessing, and i love them both so much.

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

I really LOVE the pictures you took of Grandma and Grandpa! Great job!