Wednesday, September 8, 2010

back in south jordan

the vacation is over. back to real life, which at the moment consists of figuring out what real life is now because i got nothin'. it's wide open. literally. it's scary and weird when absolutely everything you planned, hoped, and worked for is suddenly gone or just an option, not reality. it should be bit exciting that anything is possible, but honestly i'm terrified when i think too much about it. i've been thinking too much for two months straight.

i went to bed at 8:30 last night, passing out from exhaustion (i haven't slept much lately).. didn't get out of bed for 14 hours. then i spent the day on the phone with my best friend, ate a bit of salad, and watched a movie with my aunt. we laughed and laughed.

the other significant thing was going to the park with marian and sophia. marian's been asking me to do this forever, so we could take pictures. this morning i pulled out my old nikon d70 and 50mm 1.8 for her. they aren't too heavy or bulky, and on auto settings she rocks it. if she's interested maybe i'll teach her a bit of manual shooting so she can do cool things with a camera.
i'm a centaur in a secret life:
sophia spent the majority of the time at the park jumping on the water fountain peddle which makes the water go out. who needs a playground when you have something this awesome?! there were a bunch of other kids at the park. some little girls were talking and by eavesdropping i learned that they are DEFINITELY on team edward, and that some kid at school kissed HER, not the other way around. i think they were probably in 4th grade. awesome. :)

1 comment:

Russ W said...

Yes, I blog stalk, but that's the point right? I had to say something about this "real life" business. It's been weighing pretty heavily on my cerebral as well. Maybe it's the change in seasons that's got me/er'body in such a funk. Right know I feel like I'm grasping for a pattern, or a rhythm of some kind. That, proverbial crisp fall air in my head that wakes me up a bit and lets me shake those "sleepy" things outta my eyes. Know what I mean? Or is that just craziness? Anyway, your blog struck a nerve. Thanks for writtin' Heather