Sunday, September 26, 2010

epic night

boo! another night of sleeplessness! i didn't fall asleep until 4:30am yesterday, so of course i slept in.. until a stupid FLY kept dive-bombing my face! not kidding, a fly was in my room and if i didn't cover my face it would land on me. it woke me up and scared me so many freaking times this morning. SO annoying. in my half delirious state i realized it's probably because i smelled. i had a massage earlier and had coconut oil all over including in my hair because of the scalp massage.. soo worth it but still, couldn't keep the darn thing off me.

tonight however, was amazing. i was in provo and got to hang out with a few of my best friends. being with them feeds my starving soul. also, tonight coincidentally fed my body, because amie and maloree threw a chocolate party. more later. i'm passing out. and have a bit more important info to share: the drive home was EPIC. soundtrack was e.s. posthumus. manju is my favorite song, i wildly conducted it to keep myself awake. people stared. also listened to "arise" and stuck my arm out the window; i was flying, i was queen, i had the world in my arms.

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