Friday, October 15, 2010

bath time

sophia. oh sophia.
today i went into the garage to get something, she saw me go and turned the light on for me after i went into the dark garage.

tonight we had a dance party and the kids showed off their moves (which are really sweet). then we looked at the stars and told scary stories but kept laughing our heads off...

i'm addicted to TV. yikes!

i ran today. go me!! the treadmill faces the wall, so while i was running marian walked into the basement behind me and yelled to scare me. OH MY GOSH. i about died. i jumped and started yelling and screaming. my reaction scared the snot out of her. and 10 minutes later we had a laughing fit on my bedroom floor about it.

lots of little things happen every day. i should write more stories down to remember them.


Kylee said...

You're the best babysitter ever! So cute and good to them. How do you get pictures that look so good taken inside, not to mention in a bathroom. Sheesh girl.

heather lorraine said...

Ha thank you. I was lucky, there is a small window above the tub and the sun was shining right through! Also I shot with my ISO at 600 or so.