Friday, October 8, 2010

it's business time

i have been considering the idea that it's about time to care about my body again, and stop letting myself go. today that idea was reinforced and i now feel the urgent need to do so asap. there are 2 reasons for this new motivation. i'm sure y'all's (2 APOSTROPHES IN 1 WORD!!! is this even real?) next question is "please, Please, PLEASE, tell us what 2 things created this urgent need to lose some body fat!!!" since i'm a kind blogger, i will oblige.

1. today i shot a wedding. i pulled my wedding pants off the hanger and put them on. all was well, if tight, until i tried to button them up. after struggling with the three buttons for literally 5 minutes, i had to lay down on my bed to be able to button the pants. it still took a minute or two. thus, i didn't engage in any activity that required the unbuttoning of those pants for the next 8 hours (i.e. peeing).

2. at said wedding, the adorable flower girl came up to me and we exchanged this dialogue:
girl: what's your name?
me: heather. what's yours?
girl: why do you have no dad?
me: well he just isn't here!?
girl: oh.. what's his name?
me: damon. what is your name?
girl: autumn. do you have a baby?
me: nope i don't! why? do i look like i would have a baby?
girl: yes, in there.

she looked pointedly at my belly. she is the 3rd kid in the past couple of months to ask about my nonexistent pregnancy.

la la la.

^this is my first attempt at slow sync flash photography, i taught myself today through google. :)

also, everyone should feel bad for me (let out a collective sigh of pitty now) because i got lost driving home tonight and it took 1.5 hours in stead of .5 because i'm an idiot sometimes. i don't know how i got where i got instead of where i should have been. sadly, no titanic binge happened on account of getting home late and exhausted, and also no full length movie online.

i've concluded that i need an iphone. knowing my luck, even if i had one, the battery would have been dead in the getting lost situation, or i would be out of service and have no access to internet, or my car would run out of gas so it wouldn't matter anyway.

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